
Integration with ParnasSys

To make managing students and classes in Holmwood's even easier, we support integration with ParnasSys.

What are the benefits?

- Student accounts in Holmwood’s are automatically synchronized from ParnasSys

- The results of the tests that students take in Holmwood’s can be automatically sent to ParnasSys.

- If you use the digital report in ParnasSys, you can use the test results with a few clicks.

Holmwood’s only receives the relevant student data, such as the name, class, and ParnasSysID.

How to set up the integration?

To request the integration with ParnasSys, email

  1. We activate the integration in ParnasSys
  2. You accept the integration within ParnasSys via School > Management > Integrations. Select Holmwood’s. You will see a screen with information about the integration. Click on Accept at the bottom left.
    After doing this, click on Set up new authorization key.
    Copy the authorization key (bottom left of the screen). Send this to Holmwood’s (via email).
  3. With the authorization key, we can set up the integration in our system and start the synchronization.

Student accounts and usernames

When integrated with ParnasSys, the entire student database is imported from ParnasSys once. All students in Holmwood’s will receive a new username and password once. When student and/or class changes occur in ParnasSys, the student database in Holmwood’s is automatically updated.

  1. Any existing student accounts and results will be deleted. If you want to keep the results of existing accounts, you can export them to an Excel file.

The usernames can consist of different combinations of the student's name and the school domain. For example, can be used, but combinations such as first initial and last name are also possible.


New School Year:

At the transition of school years, a manual action is needed for 8th grade students. Students leaving the school are not automatically removed.

In short, when the new class distribution is made in Parnasys (around August 1st), new students will join 8th grade, while the 'old' 8th grade students are still in that group. To unlink and/or remove the old students, proceed as follows:

  1. Check in ParnasSys if the 'new' class distribution has been made.
  2. Go to Holmwood's and 'rename' the group(s) 8 (e.g., old-group8).
         This can be done via School management > Classes > Add prefix to class name.
  3. Unlink the group(s) 'old-group8' from the subscription.
  4. After the next 'update' from ParnasSys (see schedule), Holmwood’s will create the group(s) 8 based on the ParnasSys synchronization (with the class name from ParnasSys), and the current (correct) 8th grade students will be in that group.
         The 'old' 8th grade students will no longer be updated by ParnasSys, so they will remain in "old-group8".
  5. Link the 'new' group(s) 8 to the subscription.
  6. Remove the 'old' group 8 and 'old' 8th grade students via School management > Classes.