
Import or Create Student Accounts

There are three ways to create student accounts:

  1. Create student accounts manually

  2. Import a student list (Excel or .csv)

  3. Link with ParnasSys

The minimum information we need is:

  • first name
  • last name
  • class
  • email address (a unique address for each student; this will be the username)

Note: Many elementary school students do not have their own email address. In that case, you can use dummy addresses, e.g., [first letter of the first name] + [last name]@[school domain] The dummy address would look something like this:

Note: For vocational students (MBO) who purchase a license via Studystore, you do not need to create accounts. However, you must create classes and provide class codes.

Students create their own account

To start quickly, students can create their own account. Using a (class) code you provide, the student joins the correct class and can start immediately.

It is important that you first create the class and ensure that the course settings are correct.

1. Create student accounts manually

Create a class

When creating student accounts manually, start by creating a class.

  1. In the program, go to Classes
  2. Choose the right side of the screen > Add new class and fill in all required information.

Create student accounts

After creating the class, add students via Students and choose Add a new student account. The required fields are:

  • first name
  • last name
  • class (select the correct class from the list)
  • email address (must be unique)
  • password (minimum 8 characters)*

*For elementary school students, choose easily remembered passwords

2. Import a student list

If you use a school administration system, the IT staff or administration can easily export a .csv or Excel list to import into Holmwood’s. You can also create an Excel list yourself. The required fields are:

  • first name
  • last name
  • class
  • email address (must be unique)

sample list can be found here. To import the list, go to Students > Add students and choose Import a student list. You will first see a page explaining how the import works. You will then be guided step-by-step to import the list.
Do not forget to download the import list after importing.


When importing a list, the password is not mandatory. If you provide passwords, we will use them. If you leave the Password column blank, our system will generate passwords. If you use dummy addresses, provide easily remembered passwords.

For the new school year, we recommend reading the help topic: New School Year Actions.

3. Link with ParnasSys

This instruction is only relevant to schools in the Netherlands

We offer integrations with ParnasSys. This integration ensures that student accounts are created automatically. If you want to use this integration, first read the help topic in the learning environment about this integration; ParnasSys. For the integration, both you and we need to set it up. Contact our helpdesk. We will help you activate the integration.

Link the class to a subscription

When importing the student list, the class is created automatically. Before students can use English Premium/Tweens, the class must be linked to a subscription. An administrator must do this.

Go to Subscriptions > Manage classes in subscriptions. Here you can select the classes that will use English Premium/Tweens.